
5 Things Full-Time RVers Learn with Experience

The thought of selling your home and moving into an RV full-time can seem quite romantic. It can seem like the adventure of a lifetime. For many full timers, this is exactly what it is. But even with the greatest adventures come difficulties. Even in the most romantic of circumstances there are things that detract from the romance.

One thing all full-time RVers have in common is the knowledge that only comes from experience. The more time you spend on the road, the more you learn about yourself, your traveling partners, and your RV.  To illustrate, here are five things full-time RVers tend to learn with experience:

1. It is Okay to Take Your Time

American culture seems to emphasize constant moving and doing. Many of us have a hard time just sitting still. Our need to always be on the go often translates into an unnecessarily fast-paced and hectic RV lifestyle. But experienced full timers eventually learn that it is okay to take their time. They don’t have to constantly push themselves.

Retirees living full-time in an RV may not have much of a schedule to keep while those who are still working may be up against schedules to some degree. However, neither type of full-timer really has to change locations every week. And when driving to a new destination, it is not imperative to get there as quickly as possible. It is okay to slow down and take your time.

2. Good Communication Saves Headaches

Experienced full timers eventually learn just how important good communication is. Good communication can save a lot of headaches. For example, making a reservation and then just taking for granted that all will be well doesn’t mean things will turn out that way. Experienced full timers know enough to get things in writing. They know enough to exchange contact information with the campground just in case something goes wrong.

3. Preventive Maintenance Is Wise

Preventive maintenance in a traditional home is normal. Homeowners realize that a little prevention now can prevent major problems later. But for some reason, that thinking seems to go by the wayside when new full timers first hit the road. They eventually learn that preventative maintenance pays off in an RV, too.

A good example is investing in RV skirting. A product like AirSkirts inflatable skirting reduces the risk of plumbing damage by preventing frozen pipes in cold weather. Waiting until your pipes actually freeze and burst before thinking about the cold means spending thousands of dollars to replace your plumbing.

4. Plans Change Frequently

If you are the type of person who likes to stick to your plans at all costs, full-time RVing might not be for you. Why? Because plans change frequently in the RV lifestyle. There are so many things that can affect your plans – from weather to traffic and closed campgrounds – that full timers have to be prepared to go with the flow.

5. Vacations Are Still a Good Idea

New full timers look at their chosen lifestyle as a permanent vacation. It may feel that way for a while, but eventually full timers realize that their RVs are their lives. It is then that they also realize the benefits of taking a vacation every now and again. They leave their rigs parked, hop on a plane, and go to someplace exotic.

The full-time RV lifestyle isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be. Sometimes it is more, sometimes it is less. One thing you can say for certain is that full-time RV living is a learning experience. Over time, you learn a lot about yourself and life in general.